
(a smart little business man)

(a student)

(star of "The Parisian Pets" Burlesque Co.)

(of the swell set)

(a serious student)

(boxing instructor of the college boat club)

(Parisien Pet)

(Parisien Pet)

(a colored brother with pugilistic ambitions)

(Parisien Pet)

(a student)

(of the swell set)

(an athletic student)

(the belle of the college town)

(a wealthy young widow with a taste for athletics)

(Grienbacher's nephew, known as "Babe")

(a retired capitalist)

Production Team

Mme. Castel-Bert Costume Designer
Cora MacGeachy Costume Designer
William H. Matthews Costume Designer
J. Henry Rowley Costume Designer
Tom Smith Lighting Designer
Mme. De Wolfe Costume Designer
Ticket Central
